Saturday, September 13, 2008

Exercise 17

Well I had fun with this after I went to the Web 2.0 Awards nominees and I selected the category Food an interest that is near and dear to my heart not to mention my stomarch.

From that list I choose the site to explore.

The site has a blog where I discovered a recent craze in America is Pizza vending machines! What next? I am going to follow this blog for a week or two just for fun.

There was also a Recipe Podcast: Potatoes with chili, garlic and spinach which I watched and may even have a go at cooking sometime. Great cooking tutorials available which may mean the demise of cook books.

So iFoods is a way of interacting with other food lovers worldwide. It is possible to upload your own recipe videos, develop your profile and prove your culinary genius to everyone or you have the option of learning from the professionally produced video cooking tutorials.


Alana said...

See, what you need to do with Jorge's post above, Ma, is to go find yourself a translating website (I'd recommend yahoo's "babelfish" - nice hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy reference).

Setting the translation from Portuguese to English we get:

"Ola friend: it wanted invitarte that you visit blog that I am making with my students of as the year of the secondary one in the DISCRIMINATION. subject arduous and interesting of Certainly he will be of its affability. We invite to it that you read what you please of it and you make it an opinion on he himself. Its contribution will be valuable. In blog you will find a translator of the page in diverse languages if you to need. One hug of Argentina."

If you go to the blog, you might be able to select autotranslate...some more computery stuff for you to get up to (and might be useful for ordering non-English books from non-English sites?) :)

Alana said...

Whoops! I see you commented on this in your most recent post, that'll learn me for not reading first...