Sunday, November 29, 2009

Searching Twitter

Searching twitter for the first time was an interesting and frustrating experience.
It certainly confirmed that 140 characters can only convey minimal information and that only seeing snippets of conversations 'tweets' meant that results certainly lacked context.

Lacking any brillant subjects I simply searched 'New Zealand libraries' and discovered there were no results doing a basic Twitter search. Using the 3rd party search engine TweepSearch I returned 42 hits and it was interesting to see Wellington City Library and other libraries using twitter to advertise services.

Next I repeated the Twitter search using 'library' and had success. In fact I also returned similar results when searched using 3rd party search engine Twazzup. Twazzup did however include a list on the right hand side of the most popular links which I believe could be useful.

So far though I probably will not become a regular user of twitter. Useful to have some knowledge of this social net working environment but probably too time consuming for me.

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